Nutrient-rich Food Complexes:The Story of FoodState Nutrients™

Reprinted with permissions from Innate Response The history of FoodState Nutrients™ dates back to a discovery made nearly 80 years ago by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. Szent-Gyorgi won the Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine “for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion process with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid.” During his acceptance speech on December 10, 1937 in Stockholm, Szent-Gyorgi declared the vitamin content found in paprikas to be superior to vitamin C alone. “At the time that I had just detected the rich vitamin content of the paprika, I was asked by a colleague of mine for pure vitamin … [Read more...]

Hydrogen Gas a Novel Super Anti-Oxidant for Health

So what do we know about molecular hydrogen, a hydrogen gas also known as H2? More and more scientific studies are now confirming that molecular Hydrogen is a valuable healing and health supporting agent for the body. In various well documented studies across a wide range of diseases, H2 has become a hot research subject. A review of the peer reviewed scientific literature and articles in medical journals now identifies the benefits of H2 covering autism, diabetes, various aspects of metabolic syndrome, weight loss, Parkinson’s disease, atherosclerosis, pain syndromes and ischemia-reperfusion injuries which can occur due to strokes and heart … [Read more...]

Are Your Cases Screaming for Tissue Drainage?

Many of you know that I believe that Biotherapeutic Drainage is now a big critical piece in helping patients with deeper health challenges. Especially the hardest challenges that involve immune challenges. Suppressed immune and auto-immune conditions involve metabolic and environmental intoxication that supplementation will not touch. Today’s health challenges certainly spring from dietary choices, mental stress, environmental toxins and electro-magnetic fields creating disturbances in the human energetic bio-field. This disturbance process then leads to metabolic distortions. Long time accumulation of metabolic acids and environmental … [Read more...]