Exciting NEW Technologies for Neuropathic Pain

Helping patients to reduce or resolve neuropathic pain, neuralgias and radiculopathies is becoming a little easier thanks to some exciting new product technologies available from Anova Health.
I will discuss two NEW products and one established regenerative nanoparticle REGULATORY PEPTIDES product that has been a favorite of many of our practitioners for nerve repair. Together these products have a synergystic affect on reducing pain and promoting repair of nerve tissues.
There can be many reasons for patients developing neuropathies and we always recommend a thorough Chiropractic or Osteopathic exam as a phaZic 1 category therapy.
AgmaSet is a breakthrough product developed form years of research into Agmatine Sulfate. Agmatine sulfate is a proprietary ingredient proven in human studies to have markedly positive affects for patients suffering from nerve damage of varying degrees. Anova Health is in direct contact with the scientists who pioneered much of the modern research and hold the patents on AgmaSet. AgmaSet boosts nerve health by modulating key molecular mechanisms including neurotransmitters, ion Channels, nitric oxide, polyamines, cellsignaling pathways, AGE-product formation  and extracellular proteins. AgmaSet has been shown in a few small studies to improve pain levels and quality of life.
AgmaSet is also available as AgmaVet for our favorite pets who are aging in pain.
Many neuropathies do not have an active inflammation component to them. So pain reduction is limited. This is where AgmaSet (agmatine sulfate) can really help. Current clinical uses have been for idiopathic, diabetic and chemotherapy induced neuropathies, post-herpetic neuralgias, fibromyalgia, and shingles induced neuralgias.  AgmaSet is a highly effective nutraceutical and phaZic 2 category remedy.
Nerve Pro HP is a new advanced combination homeopathic formula designed by Energique and Laurell Matthews, ND, Homeopath and Herbalist. It is specifically formulated to support chronically inflamed and injured nerves. This formulation was designed to specifically target distal sensory nerves and  also support healthy blood sugar levels. Nerve Pro HP is a phaZic 2 and 5 category remedy.
CNSN from Medix4Life is a remedy that stimulates adult stem cell activities specific to the peripheral nervous sytem. CNSN contains nanoparticles of proprietary REGULATORY PEPTIDES from Russian technology. These remedies re-establish cellular communication and activates adult stem cells.  Medix4Life is a phaZic 4 category remedy.
By approaching neuropathic pain, radiculopathies and neuralgias with a broad based therapy approach, there is a greater chance for better outcomes through the synergy of well selected 5phaZic technologies.
For additional information on protocols please feel free to reach out to me at 864-214-2264.

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