Going Beyond Nutrients for Adrenal Repair and Rejuvenation

Two weeks ago, we discussed our favorite products for adrenal nutrition and adaptogenic support, from plants and adaptogens to the very popular super food AvinoCort, which supports endocrine function and repair mechanisms. What do you do when you have detoxified a patient and provided them with all necessary nutrients for endocrine and adrenal health, but you still need something more? What do you use when your patient isn’t responding fast enough? Core healthy lifestyle choices utilizing nutrients from whole foods, herbal remedies, homeopathy and Anova exclusive regeneration technologies have been much more successful in practice than … [Read more...]

Help Your Patients Resolve Anxiety and Sleep Issues Safely for Optimal Health

According to the Better Sleep Council, 65 percent of Americans are losing sleep due to stress. When stressed, patients may feel as if their mind won’t stop whirling or buzzing, even when they are trying to fall asleep. Medical researchers are now discovering that sleep plays a much bigger role in a patient’s health recovery than ever before. Chronic insomnia can also bring increased morbidity, both from lack of sleep and prescribed medications. Recent findings show that many patients who take medications or self-medicate with alcohol or recreational drugs to fall asleep do not experience restful sleep. Even though they fall asleep, … [Read more...]

Today’s World and Your Adrenals

There is probably no subject that attracts more attention in nutritional, functional, biological and energetic medicine than the health and functioning of the adrenal glands. How many courses, seminars and books have most of us read on these two tiny glands—the gateway of vitality, or Ming Men in Oriental energy medicine— perched atop the kidneys? There are many connections between these two especially important glands that have many core, central functions, including regulating blood pressure and helping the body and mind to adapt to the stress from our internal and external environments. All glands, organs and tissues in the body … [Read more...]

Detoxing For The New Year

One of the most insidious of tricks played upon us by the universe is the activity of SLOW entropy or disintegration that sneaks up on us and does its work slowly. Think of Mr. Frog, who is sitting in a refreshing, cool pond on a hot summer day. Mr. Frog is unaware that he is sitting in a big black frying pan, so big that he cannot see the edges of this frying pan because they are camouflaged by trees in the distance. What Mr. Frog doesn’t realize is that someone is slowly turning up the heat on the pan, and, as we all know, he never even realizes the change and eventually dies from the heat instead of leaving the confines of the … [Read more...]