Essential Fatty Acids from Alternative Sources

Last week we discussed the value of essential fatty acids and the processing methods that keep them from going rancid or being altered. The processing of EFAs is done for the purpose of concentrating or boosting EPA/DHA levels, and also designing higher- or lower-ratio products. Many integrated physicians and nutritional practitioners often prefer cod liver oil because it is the least processed. Cod liver oil is often considered more natural, as it has lower amounts of EPA/DHA, and also includes naturally occurring Vitamins A and D. The downside of cod liver oils is that they don't have the levels of EFAs that are often needed in a … [Read more...]

Pharmax: The Superior Choice for Essential Fatty Acids

Pharmax, the world leader in state-of-the-art Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) production, is here NOW at Anova Health. Pharmax is a physician line offering an incredible source of great-tasting and highly effective enzyme- and cryo-processed EFA oils in emulsified forms. For many years there has been mounting scientific evidence pointing to the increasing need for essential fatty acids in human diets. Many scientific studies validate the use of EFAs for brain, heart, cardiovascular health and inflammation modulation. There has been much controversy based around studies showing the negative effects of fish oil supplementation. Actually, like … [Read more...]

Introducing Seroyal: Our Exciting New Product Line

Seroyal has been a respected name in the manufacturing of natural therapies and physician training in Canada since 1985, in addition to 39 great years of European-inspired biological medicine. Its product lines—Genestra, Pharmax, UNDA and Wobenzym—have been favorites among biological, functional and integrated medicine practitioners, and especially Naturopathic practitioners in Canada and the Northern Coasts. The Seroyal companies stand at the forefront of many unique and proprietary technologies that we have come to respect and rely upon. Like Argentyn23 and many of Anova Health’s other proprietary products, Pharmax and UNDA boast some of … [Read more...]

Enteriphyte for Chronic Pain and Inflammation

There are many possible causative factors for chronic inflammation. As integrated, holistic-thinking practitioners, we are always trying to remove the causative factors behind the inflammation. Sometimes the goal of identifying and removing the offending agent(s) will take some time. Sometimes this goal is not possible; sometimes patients don’t choose to go the long road to resolution of pain issues. In those instances, our patients deserve to then be offered the best in palliative, but safe, alternative medicines. We all know that almost all drugs come from the actions observed in herbal compounds. By utilizing herbs first, we can … [Read more...]