How Can Cookies Improve Blood-Sugar Metabolism?

Last week, we introduced an overview of the Anova Health Metabolic Weight-Management Program. The Anova program provides a wide range of critical pieces of the weight-management process, including water for reversing metabolic syndrome; healthy, organic meal replacements and snacks from Straight Medical Labs; and the state-of-the-art N-LAL for improved fat loss and body sculpting. In addition to the advanced, proprietary endocrine support and restoration technologies found in AvinoCort and Medix4Life, we also bring you our exclusive BioThermol and BioThermal Boost to enhance the conversion of white fat to brown fat. Today I wanted to … [Read more...]

Metabolic Weight Management with Anova Health

  Of all of the things your patients see you for, excess weight is probably at the top of the list. While we all know that blood sugar regulation is critical to weight management, there are many more reasons to be concerned about our patients' blood sugar issues. Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, NAFLD and cancers are all the result of—or have major factors involving—impaired or overburdened glucose metabolism. We have gleaned much about structuring healthy weight-loss programs by understanding the broader issues of food selection for a wide range of health issues. Anova Health is proud to present the next phase in our development … [Read more...]

Improve Cellular Metabolism with Biotherapeutic Drainage

We all know that detoxification is an important component of optimal health. In order for our bodies to work at their full capacity, they need to be able to rid themselves of the toxins that accumulate from the things we breathe, eat, drink, and even touch. There are over 80,000 chemicals now registered by the EPA, 3,800 of which are high-use chemicals. Of these high-use chemicals, less than half have been assessed for toxic effects in humans. Less than 9% have been assessed for toxic effects in children. When the toxins that accumulate in your patients exceed the rate at which their organs are able to get rid of them, they can and do … [Read more...]

Guest Post—Toxic Overload: Providing Support for the Internal Purification System

Guest Post By Karen Raterman The constant barrage of processed foods, alcohol and environmental toxins in everyday life have given the concept of “liver detox” a prominent buzz among the health conscious, seeking a quick fix to support stressed or damaged liver cells. But periodic support for the liver may represent just the tip of the iceberg when considering the necessity of hepatic support for maintenance of overall health. A built-in purification system, the liver, is detoxing all day, every day, to help the body stay in prime working order. As such, it has an expansive relationship with many health systems. Clinicians are now … [Read more...]

Harness The Power of Plant Buds

Never before has the average human body needed assistance in fending off the increasing number of toxins it faces daily. When patients need gentle drainage before detoxification, traditional herbal medicine and homeopathy may not be enough. The addition of embryonic phytotherapy to a healing protocol may be necessary to help gently drain toxins and effectively restore cellular health and hormonal balance. Phytotherapy is the use of plants, either whole or in the form of standardized extracts, for healing purposes. Many plants synthesize phytochemicals with recognized health benefits—such as alkaloids, terpenoids and polyphenols—which can … [Read more...]

Improve Your Workouts and Circulation With ARNOX Advantage

Anyone reading this article probably knows that Nitric Oxide is one of the most important discoveries in modern physiology. Dr. Louis J. Ignarro—who won a Noble Prize for his work with two other colleagues in discovering Nitric Oxide (NO)—figured out that the gas plays a major role in keeping arteries healthy and blood flowing to vital organs and tissues.  NO is an important signaling molecule that helps maintain and modulate vascular tone and insulin secretions. In addition to its role in circulatory health, NO also plays a major role in nerve activation in the brain that serves to facilitate memory and learning. In fact, pharmaceutical … [Read more...]

Snowed In and Need a Good Read? Check Out What Dr. Frank is Reading

It looks like I will be enjoying a snow storm this week as I take another road trip for the North Carolina Integrative Medicine Society Conference on Friday and Saturday in High Point, NC. The looming storms I am sure will bring me back to my mid-western weather roots. Except with a few more Southern drivers. I am truly looking forward to connecting with and many friends this weekend at the event, and I was wondering about what COOL things we will bring to each other to share about what we have learned over the past year. There will be a few of us biological- and metabolic-medicine nerds sprinkled in among many functional- and … [Read more...]

Focus on Joint Health and Comfort With These Products

It's that time of year when joint health becomes a hot topic with baby boomers and weekend warriors as outdoor activities increase with the warmer months coming soon. When we are asked the question, "How can I get rid of this pain in my joints?", or, "How can I slow or reverse degeneration in my joints?", we must take a bird’s-eye view of the true causes of the problem. Joint health can be affected over time by internal metabolic toxins and crystal formation deposits, normal joint wear and tear, or micro- and macro-traumas from injuries. We encourage structural assessment and correction first, if needed. If joint issues are merely the … [Read more...]

Don’t Worry About Measles With Our Immune Support

February and March are typically flu months and with the addition of the measles scare, we would like to revisit the key issues around immune support, microbial control and detoxification. Many people try and target the exact microbial issue, but this is difficult to do with even an exact homeopathic remedy all by itself. We prefer to work on assisting the whole body and its many systems to let the immune system do its work. Anova Health prefers broadly effective and deep-acting remedies to combat anything that may be encountered by a body’s immune system. Our approach to immune challenges is to first boost the health of the intestinal … [Read more...]

Guest Post: Why Talk About Leaky Gut?

Below is an interview with Doni Wilson, ND. This post originally appeared on the Innate Response Blog. Intestinal permeability, aka leaky gut, is frequently overlooked by many doctors. Despite the fact that there are thousands of clinical studies supporting that this is an actual condition, there is a perception that the intestine never allows anything to pass through that shouldn’t enter into the bloodstream. Dr. Doni Wilson explains why this is a fallacy and what can be done to address this all-too-frequent, complex condition. Q: Dr Wilson, you see a fair number of patients with gastrointestinal problems who have not been treated for … [Read more...]